The Superb Fairy-wren, Western Capercaillie, Birding in the Red Hill Reserve, and more | WBW Week 41

Bringing you this week’s Bird Wrap from the Red Hill Reserve in Canberra

Neil’s 4 stories this week include:

1. Australia’s 2021 Bird of the Year – the Superb Fairy-wren

Here’s a quick trivia about the poll: This year’s poll featured a new voting system in which five birds were eliminated each day until 10 remained – this was to allow people to stay involved with the competition throughout and vote strategically each day to keep birds in the running. 

And the Superb Fairy-wren has been voted bird of the year for 2021, narrowly defeating the other birds in a nail-biting finish.  It’s hard not to love a Fairy-wren!

Here’s the link to the bird of the year poll for 2021.


2. Answering a question from the Ask Neil page about birds sunbathing

Unlike humans, sunbathing for birds is more than just warmth and relaxation.


3. One of Neil’s Bucket List birds – the Western Capercaillie

Here’s a fascinating fact: in spring, the male capercaillies gather together in areas known as leks to perform a group courtship display. It is the final stage of their elaborate and competitive courtship.


4. Birdwatching in the middle of Canberra – the Red Hill Nature Reserve

Red Hill Reserve in Canberra is another recommended and fantastic birdwatching area for birds.

For more information about birding in the Red Hill Nature Reserve, click on the links below:

Hope to see you there soon!

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