Tips & Guides: How To Attract Birds To Your Garden | Neil Hermes

Birds are everywhere, but depending on the conditions, they may frequent some places more than others. With a little effort, you will be able to attract more birds into your space in no time.

This is especially helpful for birdwatchers and nature lovers, as attracting them to your garden is the perfect way to see these wonderful birds up close. In the video below, Neil gives his top five tips on how to attract birds into your garden. By following these five tips, you can create a backyard oasis that birds will love!


Add Plants To Your Garden

Five Tips on How to Attract Birds to Your Garden - Add Plants to Your Garden

Having a few potted plants is nice, but it isn’t enough to keep the birds coming. If the goal is to attract more birds, plant shrubs in clusters. This will give small birds a hiding place and an extra layer of protection against predatory birds like Currawongs or mammals like cats.

Add Plants That Double As Food For Birds

Add Plants That Double As Food For Birds - Neil Hermes

The kind of plants you plant in your garden also matter when it comes to attracting birds. Planting trees and shrubs with seeds, fruits and flowers will help bring more birds to your garden because these also serve as food for most birds. Not only are they getting shelter from your garden, but they are also getting fed.


Put Out Bird Feeders With Artificial Feed

Put Out Bird Feeders With Artificial Feed - Neil Hermes

No space for more flowering trees and shrubs? Don’t worry. Putting out a bird feeder with artificial bird food, seed or meat can also help attract them into your space.

Birds in Australia usually aren’t dependent on these types of food. With that being said, be mindful enough to not overfeed the birds, and avoid feeding them empty fillers like bread, which lack the nutrients they need to survive.


Provide Water For Birds, Especially In the Summertime

Provide Water For Birds, Especially In the Summertime

Just like us humans, birds need water to survive. The best and most helpful thing you can do to attract birds into your space is to provide water, especially during the summer months.

Water is often in short supply in suburban areas, and by doing this, you will help the smaller birds stay hydrated without having to travel long distances for fresh, clean water. Just make sure to strategically place the water somewhere hidden from bigger predators.


Do Not Attract Birds If There Are Cats Around

Do Not Attract Birds If There Are Cats Around

If you own a cat yourself, have neighbors with cats, or see stray cats roaming around the area where you live, it is best to not attract birds as cats are known to feed on smaller bird species.

That concludes Neil’s top 5 tried and tested tips for attracting birds to your home.


The Leading Birding Tours in Australia | Neil Hermes: Our Ornithologist

A scientist by background, and a keen Ornithologist. Neil has lived in Canberra for over 50 years and has decades of experience in the tourism industry. He has turned his talents to guiding guests around Canberra which he called home for most of his life.

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