Tips & Guides: The Best Birdwatching Spot Near You | Neil Hermes

When travelling or moving to a new area for the first time, birdwatchers sometimes wonder about where the best spots are to go birdwatching nearby. It would certainly help to reach out to the online local birdwatching communities in the area.
If for some reason you cannot find anyone who can help, Neil lets us in on how to be able to find the birds nearby yourself with some helpful tips below.



Where There Is Water, There Are Birds

Where There Is Water, There Are Birds

Whether it’s a local lake, river, pond, seaside, or wetland, there is a big possibility that birds are nearby. This is because birds are attracted to wetlands in general, especially species like ducks and pelicans.


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There are also a few bird species that are known to live around the wetland’s edge like the reed warblers, crates and rails. Of course, the species will vary for each location and time of the year, and the possibility to see new and rare species of birds are possible, especially when you are in a foreign country.

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Like us humans, birds need to hydrate too, and this is the second reason why being around wetlands and bodies of water increases your chances to see more birds. In the early mornings and late evenings, bird species, especially those who eat seeds like pigeons, finches, and parrots will come to drink. Especially if you are in a dry place, and there are only very few bodies of water around the area.

Now that you know the best spot nearby to go birdwatching, you can easily find the local birds in the area, wherever in the world you may be.

You can check out my blog for more tips and guides for better birdwatching.


The Leading Birding Tours in Australia | Neil Hermes: Our Ornithologist

A scientist by background, and a keen Ornithologist. Neil has lived in Canberra for over 50 years and has decades of experience in the tourism industry. He has turned his talents to guiding guests around Canberra which he called home for most of his life.

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