The Galápagos Finches, Celebrity Birdwatchers, and DNA Testing in Zoo Air | WBW S2 E02

Welcome to Episode 02 of The Weekly Bird Wrap by Neil Hermes where he recaps amazing stories and facts across the nation and from all around the globe! 🌎

If you missed the first episode of the year, head over to this page.


The Galápagos Finches and how Evolution is occurring even today!

They found that the Galápagos Finches have been evolving, interbreeding, and specialising in response to their environment, more specifically the Avian Vampire Fly, ever since their common ancestor first arrived on the islands over 2 million years ago!


List of Famous Birding Celebrities From Presidents to Royalty!

There is a misconception that most birdwatchers are from the retiree section of society. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

In fact, there is a huge diversity of young and old birdwatchers, from presidents and prime ministers to actors, musicians, scientists, and royalty.


Zoo Study Finds Animal DNA Floating in Air!

A group of researchers in Toronto, London, Copenhagen, and other parts had tested animal DNA in the air at a zoo.

To collect airborne DNA, the Copenhagen team used a fan, like one used to cool down a computer, and attached a filter to it. The fan draws in air from the zoo and its surroundings.

All of this research may give us new techniques on researching birds in the wild!


Norfolk Island Tour on September 02-09, 2022

Join Us in Norfolk Island Tour

Loved my bird tour content? Well, Nothing beats being there on the spot, watching the birds!

Join me and my brother, Michael Hermes on a personalised journey through Norfolk Island’s history, amazing wildlife, and stunning scenery drawing on the knowledge and memories from my time as a Norfolk Island National Parks Officer and Michael’s background as an archaeologist working in places such as the Northern Territory, Tasmania, and Queensland. You can book through this page.

I am very excited to see you all on this tour!

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